Friday, August 31, 2007

Me & Rusty Wallace! Too Cool!!!!

How appropriate for our Nascar Themed Relay!

This was cool, I met Rusty Wallace at the Ontario Airport. I sat right behind him on the plane. Along with John Andretti and Larry McRenolds!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Relay University

October 6th at Cal State San Bernardino. Let's all meet up at the new Starbucks on Esplande and Sanderson at 7:00am and carpool up. Registration and sign in start at 8:00 with breakfast. The actual training will start at promptly 9:00 am! I'd love it if we got some shoe polish and wrote fun stuff on our car windows for the trip up. It'll be fun!
Remember, even though you have RSVP'd at with me, you still need to register to be there. Go here to do that:
What a fun day we will all have!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Today I have sent out a letter to California Speedway requesting donation of memorabilia to decorate our track. How nice would it be to turn our track into a mini California Speedway? That would just be icing on the cake. So keep your fingers crossed that they accept our request. They have so many requests each year that they just can't do them all which is very understandable. But it certainly never hurts to ask anyway.
I'm looking forward to our next Committee Meeting and our next Team Captain Meeting in September!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Team Captain Meeting Schedule

Where: About Fitness (shopping center on Florida & Meridian, between Mission Grove Realty & Domino's)
Time: 7:15-8:15 pm
Sept. 10
Oct. 8
Nov. 12
Jan. 7
Feb. 11
March: TBD

I know the times are late, but it's only once a month and the facility is good. We can all bear with it for a good cause! :-)